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{Tadarida brasiliensis}

Bats are mammals that play an important ecological role. They feed on a wide variety of insects and help manage their populations. They also aid in pollinating crops and other plants and help with seed dispersal. Bats are most well-known as the only mammals that can fly. Most mammals have arms or front legs, but bats have wings. The bone structure of the wing is similar to a human hand. Leathery skin covers the area between the "fingers," creating the wing. Other physical features of a bat include a body and head covered in dark brown or black hair and large noticeable ears.


Are Bats Dangerous?

While bats may be an essential part of the ecosystem, when they decide to live with people, they do pose some dangers that make them unwanted pests. Bats carry and transmit various diseases to people and animals, including rabies. In their fur, they carry parasites like ticks, fleas, and bat bugs. Their feces house a fungus called Histoplasma capsulatum that can trigger severe health problems and lung disease. Their feces can also be corrosive, and feces buildup in your home can cause unpleasant odors. A large presence of bats in your yard can make spending time outside in the evening unpleasant. It's hard to relax when bats are swooping around your head and impossible to feel comfortable in your home when sharing it with these invaders. Local wildlife removal is the best solution to removing dangerous bats from your Texas property.

Why Do I Have A Bat

Bats can become a problem on any property. Our yards and homes provide them with places of refuge, reliable food sources, and water. Things like outdoor lights, open trash cans, and pools will attract the insects that bats like to eat. As we take over more of their natural habitats, bats adapt by learning to live near people.


Where will I find

Bats are nocturnal and are most active at dusk and right before dawn when hunting their insect prey. Dawn and dusk are when mosquitoes and the other insects that bats feed on are also the most active. The bats' most common natural roosting sites include tree hollows, caves, and rock crevices. Our attics, wall voids, chimneys, and eaves provide bats with a place to rest during the day. Bats will live together in small to large groups called colonies. Living in our homes, garages, or barns benefits bats because they have easy access to the food and water our yards provide.

How Do I Get Rid Of

If you are looking for bat services near you, turn to the trusted local professionals at Running Wild Wildlife Services. Our goal always has been to provide our customers with a home safe from unwanted wild animals. We offer humane bat services through our exclusion and prevention services to keep bats at bay.
Our family-owned-and-operated company provides a comprehensive approach to home wildlife services that you can trust. We will work with you to protect your home and family from the dangers and damages bats can cause. Don't stress about bats on your property; for another day, reach out to us today and learn more about our effective approach to wildlife services in Tomball and surrounding areas.

How Can I Prevent Bats In The Future?

Preventing problems with wild animals like bats is difficult. In addition to implementing professional wildlife removal services, doing the following will help you maintain a bat-free property: Seal openings you discover on your roof. Repair loose siding. Place cover over vents and caps on chimneys. Cut back tree branches from your home's exterior. Remove areas of standing water from your yard that provide bats with a water source and attract insect prey. Replace torn screens. Place bat houses at the perimeter of your property to entice them to live anywhere but your home. To help reduce as much insect activity on your property, keep lids on trash cans, cut the grass short, and keep shrubs and bushes well pruned.

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