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{Procyon lotor}

Raccoons are mid-sized mammals; adults grow to about the same size as a large house cat. They are native to North America and live in large populations across the U.S. Raccoons are omnivores and feed on a wide variety of food, including the food people eat, a big reason why these animals live wherever people live or spend time.
Raccoons are one of the easiest to identify wild animals that find their way into our Tomball and surrounding area's yards. They are so easy to identify because of their black mask of fur covering their eyes and tail ringed in black and gray fur.


Are Raccoons Dangerous?

Raccoons are mid-sized mammals; adults grow to about the same size as a large house cat. They are native to North America and live in large populations across the U.S. Raccoons are omnivores and feed on a wide variety of food, including the food people eat, a big reason why these animals live wherever people live or spend time. Raccoons are one of the easiest to identify wild animals that find their way into our Tomball and surrounding area's yards. They are so easy to identify because of their black mask of fur covering their eyes and tail ringed in black and gray fur.


Why Do I Have A Raccoon

Raccoons will find their way onto any property that allows them easy access to the three things they need to survive - food, water, and shelter.
Anywhere there are people, many species of wild animals, including raccoons, aren't far away.
These critters have learned to survive in many habitats, like urban areas, the suburbs, and rural areas. Once raccoons discover that your yard will provide them with food, they will continue returning and may even decide to create a burrow in your yard, home, garage, or shed.


Where will I find

Raccoons will make themselves at home near people in any dark, den-like structure they can find. Examples include: Spaces under dumpsters, abandoned cars, woodpiles, and yard debris Tree hollows Under fallen trees Spaces under decks and sheds Parks Garages and sheds If raccoons decide to move into your house to live, we often discover them in attics, chimneys, wall voids, and crawl spaces. Raccoons are nocturnal and therefore are most active at night as they leave their nesting sites to forage for food. In colder areas of the country, raccoons will sleep in their dens for most of the winter. In Texas, these critters are active throughout the year, only retreating to their burrows during periods of severe weather.

How Do I Get Rid Of

Don't deal with destructive raccoons on your Texas property for another day. Implement raccoon prevention and exclusion the easy way - partner with the wildlife experts in Tomball and the surrounding areas at Running Wild! Our professionals understand Texas wildlife and know what attracts raccoons. We will quickly find their nesting spots and identify any entry points they use to move in and out of your home. Once our professionals understand your unique raccoon problem, they will develop a customized, comprehensive wildlife services plan. Our main goal is to humanely remove the problematic raccoons from your property, prevent them from returning, and help create a safe, healthy home environment for you and your family. Call today for more information about raccoon services near you!

How Can I Prevent Raccoons In The Future?

Raccoons are crafty critters, making it quite challenging to keep these pests away from our Tomball and surrounding area homes.
Use the following methods to help prevent problems with raccoons: Place locks on outdoor trash cans to keep your trash bags in the can and raccoons out.
These animals have a good sense of smell, take leftover food indoors after eating, regularly harvest gardens, and pick up uneaten pet food to help avoid attracting raccoons. Use motion-sensing lights to startle scavenging raccoons. Place caps on chimneys and covers over vents to help keep raccoons from entering your home. If you are experiencing problems with raccoons on your property, immediately reach out to Running Wild!

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